Bristol event: New Poems by Ruth Padel: The Many Lives of a Snake Goddess

We were delighted to be hosted in Bristol by the Institute of Greece, Rome and the Classical Tradition (IGRCT) and the Bristol Poetry Institute on November 28th 2024. Will Wootton, co-director of the IGRCT, introduced the event with a warm welcome. Nico Momigliano, on behalf of our ‘Many Lives of a Snake Goddess’ team, gave a short archaeological introduction to the famous faience Snake Goddess figures, and introduced our larger ‘many lives’ project. Ruth Padel then gave a beautiful reading of her set of fifteen poems on the Minoan Snake Goddesses which were specially commissioned for our project, and this was followed by an interesting discussion around the poems and their themes.
MLSG project warmly thanks the IGRCT and the Bristol Poetry Institute for their hospitality.

You can listen to the event on the IGRCT Youtube channel:


‘Those Girls’ and ‘Knossos 1962’, two poems by David Whitwell


Roussetos Panagiotakis’ “Nurturing Goddess”